Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Steam rising to clean
Yesterday Away
Vulgar rouge liquid
Stains us as blood
Like the happiness
staining our souls
seeping in
like the rain which crawls
into tin houses
collecting moist tales
Then these gums
which appear in silhouette.
Running and breathing
to a nest of rocks
and plunge through thick
pulsating transparent
which hugs us
and green engulfs vision
till the steam rises once more
purging human.

Seasons and Humans.

Evokes something
within mortality.
A coloured nature
humans are everywhere
like the incadescant
from their pockets.
Lighting cigarettes
on a dusty amber verandah
sudents who race home
backpacks like balloons
and trees heavy with fruit and music
are grasped at
by hungry travellers
foraging for thirst quenching
pastilles of bursting sweet
raindrops of sour tasty
brilliant harvests
of heat and fertility
that is summer.