Tuesday, June 6, 2017


She is the ink so sweetly painted,
in a portrait or on skin the flash of furry friendliness a giggle from within A ball of lightning texture a warmth exudes akin. She shapes a world around her flavoured and full of light A touch of fresh dew or awake in the night. She burns on and on, like a flicker eternal humble and loyal, clever and kind. Wakes you up with a hug and goodnight with a sing and she purrs like a kitten and moves like the wind.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

A Eulogy for Judy

I would like to talk you through a few notable memories I have of Judy and hopefully awaken in you, the memories of what we all loved about our incredible friend and darling Judy.

I remember fondly the times we used to spend at Judy's house drawing in the Judio (her studio), skipping rope in the car port, blowing bubbles by the driveway, climbing her huge and beautiful pine in the backyard, and playing in the old chicken coop, where she invited the local McGuinness Drive kids to use her repurposed chicken coop as a street clubhouse. Their inscribed chicken boxes and nick knacks left behind for us.

She saw the power in nature and gave it like a gift to everyone she knew. She had meticulously created a moss garden with a view from the kitchen, which she always maintained beautifully along with the story that there were fairies in there along with fairy wrens. I remember watching the fairy wren's bathing in the bird-bath she had set up amongst the moss. Sometimes Bianca and I would stand out there beneath the huge Fuchsia bush picking the purple flowers and sucking the nectar out from their insides.

Our entire life visiting her home was a magical time. She rejoiced in all the creative things and not with exception to those things that were slightly odd or ugly.
Though our ‘darling’ Judy always had an air of glamour and sophistication about her, she also had a surprising passion for the wicked and weird. She was the kind of person who would buy the bent in cans at the supermarket because they were different.

For example when I was born she bought me the plush toys of the monsters from Maurice Sendak's 'Where The Wild Things Are', much to the shock of my mother who asked that they not come home with the new baby... So they became our favourite friends and toys to visit whenever we were on Judy holidays.

On multiple occasions, Judy spoke of how she’d always loved the idea of being in a motorcycle gang, and I remember imagining her riding through the Southern Highlands, wind blowing her hair back with a mad grin spread across her face.

 When I had thought I’d kept my first romantic relationship with another girl under wraps from my family, Judy proclaimed to family and friends, her excitement that I might follow in the footsteps of Germaine Greer. I remember thinking about how lucky I was to have the support of such an open-minded woman from another era.

She took us to art galleries, bought us art materials. She had so many wacky ideas and inventions to engage children. When we were kids she made Bianca and I into paper dolls by photographing us in our undies, printing, and cutting out our silhouettes so that we could then fashion paper clothes for ourselves to dress up and play dolls.
 She always joked of what the guys at Kodak must think of her developing photos of her grandchildren standing half naked. "Someone might arrest your mad grandmother" That wicked sense of humour delivered with a wicked smile.

She was sharp witted and critical and Judy always had her favourites. Though she was kind enough to switch back and forth between us so that we all had a turn in the warmth of her admiration.

At times growing up I was the talented artist and creator, and Bianca was the bored child, too energetic and boisterous for Judy’s liking. At other times Bianca had it all together in Judy's eyes, and so I was referred to as "the Waif". Coined for my constant travelling and reluctance to settle down and commit to something. But then just as swiftly I would be in the right again, an intrepid traveler with so many talents and gifts and oh so worldly.

She made the best desserts. One time she served Adam and I, a whole bowl of freshly whipped cream with berries on top. And growing up we lusted after the hot homemade caramel sauce she made for us over ice-cream.
She taught me to draw and continued my love for art making and creating my entire life. She helped me make my first and only etching in primary school, winning me a printmaking prize at the Robertson show.

She fostered great creativity and imagination in all children. She invited us to explore our creative potential through so many mediums which inspired us to always be innovating. From our drawer in the studio filled with an array of papers, creative materials, bits and bobs, to continually taking us out to galleries from such a young age, I am so deeply grateful for having had someone like Judy believe in me and nurture such an understanding of myself and of my love and expression of art.

I always felt she was so proud of my art and encouraged me to keep making always.
She hung two of my school artworks framed in prize positions on her walls, amongst great artworks and great taste. 
 And with each visit I recall her encouragement as she gushed that everyone commented on my paintings much more frequently than those of The Greats filling the rest of her home. Thrilled that I shared some of her gift.

I don't think I would be such a passionate creative if it hadn't been for her support and motivation. I don't think I would have known where to start. And from my relationship with her I have had the luck to take so many opportunities and learnings away.

  It is taking me a long time to find light in a world without our dear Judy, but as I sort through the bits and pieces, the messages and meaning I find in all she left behind, I’ve found that what speaks to me are her choices to live bravely. Like a message shared only 2 months ago on her facebook page says: "Life is short, Take the trip, Buy the shoes, Eat the cake"

There’s one story I need to close with, in honour of clearing the air regarding a little fib I told Judy, and never came clean on.
It goes like this. One day, we were walking up to see Judy from our house (two doors down) on McGuinness drive (or celebrity drive as Judy liked to call it) and Mummy and I were playing silly buggers, shoving each other playfully on the road. It might surprise you but my mother can get pretty boisterous when prompted and is a LOT stronger than I. During our game she flung me off the road and into the unkept nature strip. Which would have been quite a comfortable landing, had it not been for all the stinging nettle hidden amongst the tall grass. And I was now covered in it and moments away from being expected for tea at Judy’s.
I was crying cause of all the stinging, but my facial expression didn’t compare to Mummy’s, which was one of absolute fear, 40% because she felt really bad for pushing her daughter into a stinging peril, and 60% because she was deathly worried about being labelled a bad mother by Judy. So through my tears I said I’d take the blame. Arriving at Juju's with tears in my eyes, I explained sadly that I’d jumped into a patch of stinging nettle unawares. Judy looked at me and quickly remarked “You STUPID GIRL!” and my eyes wandered to my mother who bashfully winced a smile for me and mouthed “thank you”.

Judy was quick to judge, but you always knew where you stood with her, and she was incredibly proud and loving of all her friends and family. I’m going to miss her so much. All sides of her.

Friday, March 29, 2013

the sundown hot rocks

Sometimes when I want to feel the weight of metal crushing bone
when the ambers up & I'm alone, my skulls observing their ways home
theres a man in a parked car pushing his face into a candy bar
my drilled walls have their imperfections, like each alone has his obsessions
you're just a sweating image on wooden floorboards too far away to see me sigh

Hear water sneaks through, I've got to let it in
& step back to watch you walk that road rubbed underfoot
& the places where they skin you & leave hot rocks inside
& where they taste you & judge you & you feel alive
& where the sun goes down different every sky
I just want to be in those places at one time
close enough to hear you sigh.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


While you are in the kitchen I am wide eyed sleeping
on another plane I feel you walking in me

there’s a ticking at the window
and cars crash on the outside
but we’re inside my head
You are drinking up the goats milk
filling up that white glass
but I can’t leave the bed

there’s familiarity in all our foreign fixtures
the salt gets into me & seagulls call their sisters

outside dark that knows us both
we get scared under our coats
but waters in our ears

The ride will rub it off us
and jump into a steamy
mist to disappear

You are close to me and features all go fuzzy
sometimes you cant see, this book is oh so muddy

the otter rubs his whiskers
deep into her body
and she is fully dressed
with every bit of happy
he slaps at a mosquito
her blood is all that’s left

“Spill some more red wine, you’ve got to use your poncho”
Look up at the sky and see the washing floating

I just love this game
I go insane
but I was unprepared

lets get out into the big world
and lets put on a show girl
cause we don’t fit in here.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

fast poetry

touch the paintings which shift into colours
and theres tiles this place is ugly and bare
we live without water
but we are water
and the stink wafts ugly and black
like a cloud but our heads are outside
we belong in these forests
these forests of life
who protect us
with their limbs
but we go for the future
recklessly wandering the cities
without emotion
numbly floating
to a destination outside our hearts
sexually following a state of emergency
our ears explode
to an ocean which calls us in
to protect
what exists in these heads
is more or less the same
why do they move the way they do
these little cities
powering inside our brains
so much in the dark
with no violins playing
no music to build suspense
just some silence

which spins figures in the sky.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


There’s a short circuit
Of this brain extract
Don’t fight colour
Or break those fists
On the hard white walls
I took your nerves out
of your cracked skull
They looked like marbles
Pale and candy insides
I threw them to the roadside

That click that brakes in you
It brakes in me too
So let it rupture coloured creed
Let us climb these trees

and run from time
hand in hand, foot by foot


Write yourself a song about the beats,
the beats that eats the ends of you
that play in your brain a soundtrack insane
but oh so delicious my darling.

Then run a bath that puts the colour in skin
that bath you can’t begin to step in
that you disappear to wet fire within

But oh so delicious my darling

That sacred place, it finds you
and in your sleep rewinds you

That sacred place, it finds you.
and in your peace, combines you

Monday, December 3, 2012

Just that the skies are grey
and the toes are warm

you’re  a beat on the breeze
I’m a moment in freeze
The people jut from the landscapes
they are tiny fungi’s of every colour
the grass lives and heart beats
in earth below me
it fills my cup of energy

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

El Tiempo de Verano

Toqué en la universidad por unos Mexicanos hoy en Guadalajara.
Played in the university for a few Mexicans today in Guadalajara.


"...y conocer y aprender Espanol, No se, como que, no tenia... no tengo eposo, no tengo hijos, no tengo un curso de universidad, asi que, ahora estoy independente y quiero usar este tiempo que puede ser que no lo voy a hacer en otro parte de mi vida"

"... and to know & learn Spanish. I don't know, like, I didn't have.. I don't have a husband, I don't have children, I don't have a university course. And so, now I am independent and I want to use this time that perhaps I am not going to do it in another part of my life"

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


They take in beer like breathing air
the waters wake at ocean edge
ladrones jump from bridge to bridge
to catch them unawares
questions in the calle, lips
offering some ridings round
a twinkle of a finger flicked
a secret worried frown

we wait our bodies bleached in brown
like fat worms along the ground
for them to rob fat wallets and
fat screams begin to sound

The innocent riches rob our roads
the seas of costly crustaceans
they rape the rubbish off our backs
and cheat the cream from crayfish
The sun conceals a sticky sombra
the sand obscures a glass
the birds fly joining catted claws
domestics in the dark

Monday, March 12, 2012

Mountain Pokey

In the depths of the colombian mountains,
fertile greens & country limbs
a bus drops down a danger ridge
a cedar coffee brims
the words wag out of racist things
& crusty brakes of buses ring

Into the town we creatures rumble
sophisticated sexualities mingle
We watch the coloured cookies crumble
inside the local pokeys

these people caged in an exhibit
the lions for the show
“Watch them prowl & run around,
they don’t even know”
But they’re kept tight on the schedule
of the local casino

They like to see the pictures buzzing past
its a kind of therapy
that golden handle dropping down
that shiny chime of glee

their eyes wide open, fast asleep
their fatty wallets full
it all goes in without a doubt
“We’ve really got them fooled”
They think that they are gonna win
it makes them think they do
they spend their week away in there
They spend their pockets too

And outside the world is living things
and bird & bug & air
but now we’ve trained their minds to think
they really just don’t care.

We watch the people of our countries
line up in this parade
we sell their stories to the past
for a fine stockade

They were our friends & family
They were our neighbours too
but now we’ve moved away from there
with money from the zoo
They aren’t too much like humans now
they don’t eat much or sleep
They leave their kids alone at home
they wander just like sheep

so my conscience doesn’t bother me
nor the money in my purse
for Im an addict just like them
but I got to it first.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Humanos Solos

I’m an explosion of histories
which shape a mind
I’m a series of colours
of which these lights remove blind

I’m the sensation of a series
rushing like a highway
to the summit of a person
an orchestra who’s been trapped to play

he’s a master of his fingers
who fashions a world of wood
to bring these creatures out from deep in dark
to be madly understood

he’s a symphony of which every noise
is placed at careful cree
each instrument that struck a note
he knew was meant to be

and there are different clouds from which we change
the earth crumbling beneath
when we jump from eye to eye
we taste moulded beliefs

& these roads escape each other
or quickly intertwine
for we are really solos
whose waters sometimes combine

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Routa Ecuadoriana

Crossed Casas

The sunny shores
beckon my brain
though I am at the beach
the waving winds
awake the aussie gums in me
though gums grow great & grey
the skies are a window
to those perfect painted afternoons
but here the sun sets over the ocean
and the dogs who roam fleabitten
are a totem to a curly haired beast
who here the canines need more love
And my Argentine family
how they swell up memories of home
beer in hand.


Yellow feet left a mark in the middle
A history re-written mechanically
& us with heavy plumage
are fat in the back
the oxygen overwhelmes
and we are painted crazies by the wind
An outstretched thumb
brings our backsides to the seat
The seat - he changes skins
& tongues.
A cobbled plastic plate
at times a feather futon
or the jumpin’ metal of a beaten brown box
And here inside the film we flash
present in the pictures.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

With eyes for the night
we take flight
and over the cementary of our dreams
we explode into our purble cartons
they cant see us when were ghosts
I can imagine us
socks off
crawling through the mud of danger
dressed in aggressive grinnings
with the battle birds singing overhead
and then I can see him.
He’s bringing menace to the bed
a drunken swim to thick air
and the breath of a beast
of smoke & far off coffee fields
where the sand scrubs beneath our bodies
a distaste from the cats mouth
his back arches in anxiety
we prepare...
step back...
lift up...
and blast the this ancient glass in all directions to escape into cloud folds
we sink in deep
greeting sleep.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Brain Cricketings

There are crickets snapping in my brain
& you cant hear them
I describe them to you but sometimes
you can only see their legs.

You dont notice that I am not here.
and you dont love the mystery of where I belong to - the earth
I belong to a skin & this mud on my feet is me too
And that cricket clicks his tongue with beautiful menace.
You put your ear to my head and hear
but the beetles inside your own head
and I can see their faces
but they never look at mine.

Love is a word said too often
from the lips of others
but with you its real.